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Service to others is a central Quaker Testimony and in school the Year 13 Charity Committee takes the lead in the outworking of this in the school community. They organise a range of different events throughout the year, from which all proceeds go to various charities chosen by the Committee. The whole school community always shows outstanding generosity, cooperation and a great willingness to help others.

Each year we have a Year 13 Habitat for Humanity Team.  ‘Change Makers’ is a shared education and citizenship programme which brings two schools from across the community together to explore social justice issues and active citizenship during two facilitated workshops. The group also work together on a local Habitat worksite for one day and participate in a fundraising challenge.

Foodbank collection


Jeans for Genes Day
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Children in Need - Bog Eyed Jog
Quaker Cottage Hamper Appeal
Christmas jumper day for Save the Children
Made for More - Break the Cycle
Jeans for Genes Day
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Children in Need - Bog Eyed Jog
Quaker Cottage Hamper Appeal
Christmas jumper day for Save the Children
Made for More - Break the Cycle
Colour Rush FSL
Students in a classroom
Foodbank Colour Rush FSL Students in a classroom

Saphara Team

In 2023 a Year 13 ‘Saphara Team’ was established. Through the “Be the Change Project” students are inspired, equipped and empowered to help meet Saphara’s vision of creating a generation of Northern Irish young leaders participating in compassionate, peaceful and inclusive communities where everyone is valued and celebrated, especially those most marginalised.


The ‘Be the Change’ project creates a partnership between sixth-form students and primary schools in socio-economically deprived areas with high numbers of newcomer children. This culminates in an event in Stranmillis College with sixth formers teaching newcomer primary school children.

"Look beyond yourselves, to create flourishing communities of justice and compassion, locally and globally, and to Be the Change you want to see in the world."