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Examinations are an important time for both students and parents alike, and it is important that all those involved plan and prepare for their examinations.

Examination timetables are provided to assist with this process. Candidates should also make themselves aware of the regulations surrounding the conduct of examinations.

Please download GCSE arrangements here

Please download AS Level arrangements here

Please download A2 Level arrangements here

In the exam period circumstances may impact on the ability of a candidate to prepare for and perform in an examination / set of examinations.

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) awarding bodies and the Federation of Awarding bodies (FAB) have agreed definitions in relation to Access Arrangements, Reasonable adjustments and Special Consideration.

In relation to Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments it is generally best practice for these to be made prior to the examination period. (There may be certain circumstances where these adjustments can be made during the examination period – please consult the appropriate member of staff). For further information on Access Arrangements and Reasonable adjustments please see this link

In relation to Special Circumstances all information needs to be processed and returned to the examination body within one week of the examination. For further information on Special Consideration please see here

In Friends’ School the following member of staff is responsible for Access Arrangements, Reasonable adjustments:

  • Mrs Waring – Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).

In Friends’ School the following members of staff are responsible for Special Consideration:

  • Mr McKinley – Sixth Form (Yr13 & 14) Special Consideration.
  • Mrs Lowe – GCSE (Yr11 & 12) Special Consideration.

If a Candidate is affected by any of the criteria listed in JCQ definitions on Access Arrangements, Reasonable adjustments and Special Consideration they must:

  • Contact the school / teacher responsible at the earliest opportunity to make the appropriate arrangement.
  • A parent / guardian should provide a cover note to outline, in detail, the nature of the issue and how it has affected the candidate.
  • If the issue is medically related it is essential that there is a signed declaration from the Doctor on headed paper outlining how the candidate may potentially be disadvantaged.
  • If a candidate is unable to attend an examination as they are unwell, the school should be notified as detailed in the above instructions as soon as possible before the start time of the examination. The attached self-certification form should be read, sections B and C completed and returned to the appropriate member of staff with a cover note.
3 students holding a prospective brochure
Students stood in front of a school
4 students holding a prospective brochure
3 students holding a prospective brochure Students stood in front of a school 4 students holding a prospective brochure